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CAW Chris Jericho PS2/3

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CAW Chris Jericho PS2/3 Empty CAW Chris Jericho PS2/3

Mensaje  Alex_ratedrKo Dom Feb 17, 2008 10:07 pm

Chris Jericho

CAW Chris Jericho PS2/3 Chrisjericho420ek3

Start with Template 4

Head: -29, 8, -28
Forehead: 0, 0, 0, 0

Eyebrows: -60, 0, 43, -44
Eyes: -22, 23, 62, -47, -40, -67, -4
Nose: 0, -17, 100, 37, -19, -33, 0, 39
Cheek: 0, -81, -25, 48
Mouth: 99, -37, -27, 100, -66, 5, -85
Jaw: 16, -40, 68, 0, 74, 81
Ears: 0, -20, 0, 47

Face>Skin>Skin Aging: 11

Body Type: 70 (yes, that number is correct)
Neck: -31, -20, -9
Chest: -18, -29, -2
Shoulder: -18, 3, -48
Abdomen: -11, -51, -53
Waist: -100, -20
Arms: 0, -64, -76
Hands: 0, 0, 0
Legs: 0, -100, -100
Feet: 70, 43, -100

H=Horizontal, V=Vertical:

1. Definition 5
2. Skin Tone (Face Skin) 7: 88, 0, 0, 0
3. Eye Type 5: -9, -16, -25
4. Eyebrows 21: 87, -3, 11
5. Eyelashes 1: 87, 0, 0 (default)
6. Lips 15: 95, 0, -4
7. Teeth 1
8. Hair 1 (for current previewed): 75, -3, 11 (or hair 20, stylized 1 left for the first previewed one)
9. Underwear 2

22. Tights 8: -13, -100, -60, 100, 100
23. Arm Wristbands 1: -13, -100, -74, 100, 5

place WWE logos on, choose a clothing (Wrestling Attire/Costume for
upper body, knee pads for lower body)…during the selection, you get the
option to add Logos that are not in other Logo selection areas. Add the
WWE logos there, then delete the unneeded piece of attire.

40. Right Leg>Logo WWE 8, rotate once, smallest H, 2nd Smallest V, place on tights as seen in help pics: 100, -100, -30, 100
41. Right Leg>Logo WWE 32, rotate once, smallest H, largest V, place on tights as seen in help pics: 100, 0, -10, 100
42. Right Leg>Logo WWE 32, rotate once, smallest H, largest V, place on tights as seen in help pics: 100, 0, -10, 100
43. Right Leg>Logo WWE 38, rotate once, largest H and V, place on the side as seen in help pics: 100, 0, 0, 100
44. Right Leg>Logo WWE 38, rotate three times, 2nd largest H and V, place on tights as seen in help pics: 100, 0, 0, 100
Right Leg >Logo WWE 8, rotate three times, smallest H, 2nd largest
V, place on tights as seen in help pics: 100, -100, -30, 100
Left Leg>Logo WWE 8, rotate three times, smallest H, 2nd Smallest V,
place on tights as seen in help pics: 100, -100, -30, 100
47. Left Leg>Logo WWE 32, rotate three times, smallest H, largest V, place on tights as seen in help pics: 100, 0, -10, 100
48. Left Leg>Logo WWE 32, rotate three times, smallest H, largest V, place on tights as seen in help pics: 100, 0, -10, 100
49. Left Leg>Logo WWE 38, rotate three times, largest H and V, place on the side as seen in help pics: 100, 0, 0, 100
50. Left Leg>Logo WWE 38, rotate once, 2nd largest H and V, place on tights as seen in help pics: 100, 0, 0, 100
51. Left Leg >Logo WWE 8, rotate once, smallest H, 2nd largest V, place on tights as seen in help pics: 100, -100, -30, 100

54. Knee pads 5: -13, -100, -61, 100
55. Boots 30: Color 1: -24, -98, -9, Color 2: 81, -98, -9

62. Right Leg>Letters Page 1, the U, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place on side WM logo as seen in help pics: -13, 0, -5, 100
63. Left Leg>Letters Page 1, the U, 2nd smallest H, smallest V, place on side WM logo as seen in help pics: -13, 0, -5, 100

Cantidad de envíos : 122
Edad : 32
Localización : En la WWE
Fecha de inscripción : 16/02/2008

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